Term Overviews

Term 1 Overview

Week 1 27/1 AUSTRALIA DAY Term 1 starts Welcome Assembly Lunar New Year
Week 2 03/02 Community Breakfast Newsletter
Week 3 10/02Sammy D Foundation (Year 5 & 6 students) 5.30 - 6.30 Acquaintance Night Assembly
Week 4 17/2
Week 5 24/02NAPLAN Practice Test
Week 6 03/03Newsletter Assembly
Week 7 10/03Public Holiday Adelaide Cup Student Free Day NAPLANNAPLAN NAPLAN
Week 8 17/03NAPLAN 3 way Interviews Governing Council Meeting 3 way Interviews NAPLAN 3 way InterviewsNAPLAN 3 way Interviews NAPLAN
Week 9 24/03 Year 6 Aquatics Assembly Ramadan Ends
Week 10 31/03 R-5 Swimming R-5 Swimming R-5 Swimming R-5 Swimming Newsletter
Week 11 07/04 Primary Science Showcase Sports Day 2pm Dismissal. Last Day of Term

Book a Tour

Para Vista Primary School is a thriving school with a strong commitment to student engagement and love of learning. Please call us to arrange a time to come in and chat and tour the school.